Popular Forms | Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, August 11, 2011
Howard Griswold Conference calls:
Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time.
‘6’ Mutes and un-mutes
For reference:
Jersey City v. Hague, 115 Atlantic Reporter 2nd, page 8 (A 2nd )
Project for all:
Howard needs information on how to write a complaint for breach of the trust.
Hit the libraries!
[Howard] In the meanwhile, the security agreement that we have worked on for the last ten or eleven years and developed to the extent we developed it and perfected the use of it in many different ways is going to be temporarily but seriously important. And there will come a day when this whole thing collapses, and once it does, there will be no need to worry about any of this at all. The worry will then be taken care of yourself, getting by, finding food, keeping yourself warm in the cold weather, finding a shade tree in the warm weather, cuz you’re not going to have electricity to have air conditioning, and that’s going to be a thing of the past, thank heavens. Anyhow, in the meantime, this is going to get a whole lot worse as far as government oppression upon the people because government needs money and they’re going to do everything they can to oppress the people to try to get money out of the people, as though we’ve got that much that they can actually get anything out of us anymore. It’s getting to a point where they can’t. It’s so stupidly evident that so many people cannot afford to pay their . People are out of work all over the place in countries all over the world, not just here in America. You live here and you think this is the worst, but it’s just as bad everywhere else in the world. China’s got unemployment problems today. China is facing economic problems. They’re having as much trouble as we’re having. Europe, that’s been evident and exposed in the news quite a bit that all of Europe is having economic problems. We’re bailing out banks in Europe with US money and Chinese money. US and China are both in the same economic disaster in their own conditions. They’re just floating money in those two countries and floating it over to these other countries to help them stay afloat. It’s a real silly little game that they’re playing and it’s going to end up in real disaster. In the meanwhile, it’s going to be important for you to understand that the government of this country, in particular, here in our land that we live in, is not allowed to take private property for their public use and benefit without just compensation. That’s the last sentence of the Fifth Amendment to the US Constitution. That doesn’t just apply to the US anymore. The Supreme Court in several cases has said that the 14th Amendment extended the Bill of Rights of the Federal Constitution, particularly the first, second, third, fourth and fifth amendments, most particularly to the states. So it now applies through the Federal Courts to the States that, concentrating on that one issue, that they cannot take private property for public use without just compensation. So whether the State is doing it or the Fed is doing it, the Fed does it to the American people through Social Security and income tax and we’ve talked many times about the limited authority that there is for that to apply only to government and internal government personnel. It does not apply to private people in their private jobs. The rest of the scams that are being run, are being run by the States. The States are taking people’s private property by tricking people into registrations of land deeds for their homes, which is not at all permissible for government to do. That gives them the ability in commerce to apply a tax to your private land called property tax. Now if you look at the Constitutions of the different States, everyone of them says the State has the power to tax property. But every Constitution of every State also says the same thing as the Fifth Amendment says, that government cannot take private property for public use without just compensation. So you have to realize what the two different sections mean and what they apply to. The State has the power to tax anything that the State creates. If the State creates a police department, for instance, and the police department acquires a piece of property, they must register it with the State and pay taxes on it. If the fire department acquires a piece of property and builds a fire house on it, they must register it with the State and pay taxes to the State because they’re a State agency, so through the State they have created this property within the State so that the State can tax it. That’s the authority of the State to tax property. That authority does not extend to private property. They have no authority whatsoever to take private property, force you to register it, put it into their commercial venue and apply a tax to it called property tax. These are wrongful acts. This is getting to be a devastating problem in many of the States. They’re increasing property taxes on land in horrendous amounts. In NH and VT up in the New England area homes that are 50 to 100 years old in nice little quaint towns up there, that have been in the family for that many years in some cases, the tax on them is $13,000 to $15,000 a year. A lot of those people can’t afford to pay that kind of a tax. Now, I am sure there are some people that still have some money flowing and could afford to pay it and would rather pay it than fight because it takes too much effort to fight. But when it comes to a point where the private individual can no longer afford to pay, then you’ve got to start learning how to fight. The first and most important thing is to recover the right in that property that you have given away. The way you gave the rights away is by registration and through the registration you had no idea what you were doing and you had no idea what your wonderful, nice lawyer was doing to you or for you. But a form was generated in the registration of property that fits the description in the commercial code of a Financing Statement, commonly referred to as a UCC-1 Form. Such a form does not have to have a designation or a title on it that tells you what it is. It could have any kind of a name on it. As long as it fits the criteria laid out in the Commercial Code of a Financing Statement, then it is a Financing Statement. Birth Certificates, Land Deed registrations, puppy dog registrations, gun registrations, auto registrations, business registrations, are all done on these same forms. Everyone of them amounts to a Financing Statement. Once that is turned over to the State, the State becomes the Holder in Due Course of the property described on the instrument that gives them the authority to regulate and tax that property. It’s all done in commerce. It’s all a breech of the fiduciary duty and trust position of government officials to act honestly and not to bother the American people, but to protect the American people. They’re not protecting us, they’re bothering us. They’re taking our property, they’re abusing us and they’re using any form of law or any form of regulatory authority to tax us, to impose fines and fees and extort money from us. Talk about terrorists, if Homeland Security wants to know where the terrorists are, just point out the government officials to them and what they’re doing. I am sure they won’t act on it because they’re part of the terrorists too, but it would be a good idea if you people learn and understood how to point out the fact that the government people that are taking private property for public use without just compensation are terrorists. They’re taking your property, they’re stealing it from you, using it for their benefit and avoiding your use and enjoyment of it, delaying you in your life and your life expectancies of the use of that property. That is terrorism. As a matter of fact, in Delaware back in the 1970s they wrote a criminal charge in the Delaware Criminal Code called Terrorism long before 9-11 and all this silly BS about terrorism has come about the State of Delaware had a Terrorism law. ~~It very simply and clearly said that anyone who extorts or takes or threatens to take property of another is a terrorist. You get an idea of what terrorism is all about. We are being terrorized into surrendering our property. The purpose of the Security Agreement is to recover, first of all, the rights and interest in that property. You can’t claim anything against the property as long as you can’t prove that you don’t have an interest in the property. If you can’t prove an interest, you can’t move, you can’t do anything. That’s why the Security Agreement is so essentially important. You’ve got to show an interest in that property. There is no other way in any legal document that you have related to property that shows or proves that you have an interest in the property. The only interest that can be proven is the government’s interest on the documents that you signed or your lawyer signed for you upon the registration of all these different things like birth certificates, land deed registrations, Social Security applications for registration of your labor, and so on and so forth, automobile registrations, driver’s license registration, everyone of these stupid things that they’ve involved the people in commerce with the government’s activity is the taking of private property without just compensation. Once you’ve established a Security Agreement listing and identifying each one of these properties such as your labor through Social Security, your home through land deed descriptions, your birth certificate through registration numbers of the birth certificate and such. Once that stuff is all properly identified on a Security Agreement and it’s recorded properly, now that can be a problem in some states, but it’s not really a problem because if you look at your State Code and read the sections that we sent you to, Section 516d, it says that they have the right to reject for certain reasons, but even if they reject it, I forget what it is, 516d, I believe it is, it says even if they do reject it, if you can prove, and that’s very simple to do, prove that you tendered the payment, that means you’ve got a photocopy of the check you wrote or money order that you sent or money order receipt or a cash receipt from them if you went and paid cash for it personally, any kind of receipt at all that proves that you tendered the payment for the registration and that it was delivered, now if you delivered it in person, that’s something that we told you not to do, we’ve always told you to mail it because if you go in there in person, they ask you a bunch of stupid questions, most of you couldn’t explain or give any details of what the Security Agreement is really about because you don’t understand it well enough, and I’m sure most people haven’t even read the thing, much less have they read the three pages in the back of it that are the Terms and Definitions. Even if you read that part, you haven’t got any idea what it’s all about until you go to look up all those Terms that are referred to in all those Definitions in the Law Dictionary that are referred to, and then maybe you might be able to explain it, and I know that most people don’t bother, they won’t even bother to read the instrument, much less do they bother to do any research. So those who fail in the use of this, it’s their own fault because they won’t apply themselves and try to learn anything about how to use it, but surprisingly enough, very few people are thought failing in the use of it. Some have, but very few. Most have been strangely successful. I don’t understand why they’ve been strangely successful, but most of them have. I think it is because once a lawyer looks at this thing, he realizes what you’ve done and he backs off and he tells the agencies to back off, leave you alone, because they do recognize what you’ve done. Now, some of them will be smart alecks and try to tell you it doesn’t mean anything, well, yes, it does. It means that you have recovered the rights in that property that’s described thereon and whichever one it might be in question right now, whether it’s a birth certificate or the land deed or Social Security in your labor, or whatever it may be. You have secured that to your interest those rights and interest in that property. So, yes indeed, it does mean something. Now, once you’ve got this thing so far we have found, well, three uses for it that are instrumental in controlling your own life and your property. One of them is very simple and that is that the commercial code allows for an assignment to be done of all different kinds and types. You can generate an instrument and we’ve done this for a few people assigning the interest that you have in your property to your offspring. That way you don’t need a will. You don’t need lawyers to become involved. It’s just a simple transfer by assignment of the interest that you had in any property at all to your offspring. Let’s say you got three kids and you got bank accounts with money in them. You got insurance policies with money due upon your demise and you got land. So, you divide it up. One kids gets the land. One kid gets the insurance policy and one kid gets the money in the banks. You assign those different items to them. That way you don’t need a deed. Now, that was one way we figured out that it can be used. But more importantly while we’re still alive—and hopefully we’ll stay that way for a while yet—because the government cannot take private property for public use without just compensation they cannot tax you, fine you or impose fees of any kind upon your property without paying you. So, we found out that the government has set up a bank account in the form of a . It’s known as a ship . It can be found out about in Title 44 of the United States Code, the shipping code. They have created a against the value of your body upon registration through a birth certificate of your body. That mortgage put a pile of money into a bank account. That account is under your social security number. Now, it’s separate and distinct from social security. It’s altogether different. There is no money in the social security trust fund. It’s a bunch of hogwash by government. The only thing close to a trust fund the government has for monies paid into social security is a law that they have passed allotting some of the money out of the US Treasury to be put back into the expenses of social security to provide you with your benefits. There is no trust fund with money in it. But there is this bank account with this mortgage money in it. This money is used by the government to buy guns from any manufacturer anywhere in the world and sell them to people in Central America so that the people in Central America can sell them to the people in Mexico so that they can use those guns to come up here and fight their way into areas and bring drugs in, just what Dave was talking about tonight. See how some of these things are very closely connected? Going back in history, if you remember the Contra Affair back in the early nineties. The United States Government was buying guns from Iran, of all people, selling them to the Contras. They were using the money out of these accounts, these mortgage accounts, of people in America, buying the guns, selling them to the Contras at a profit and putting the money back to this account after they took out their expenses from their work to do the sales and deliver it. That’s how the account gets bigger and that’s how the mortgage gets paid off because they’re doing the same thing with oil, they’re doing the same thing with drugs.
Then they buy this stuff, then they sell it. A lot of times they sell it into this country because it’s only the American people that will buy so much of it and they make a profit on it and they get back the money that they spent to buy the drugs or the oil from foreign countries, and then they put that money back in those accounts and that account pays off the mortgage. In the meanwhile, all that money is still in that account, and that account was setup by the government because they know that they cannot take private property for public use without just compensation and they know that they’re doing it. The American people are too stupid to know they’re doing it. They don’t understand it. They don’t understand that the registration is a fraud upon the people. They don’t understand that government cannot take private property for public use without just compensation. They don’t even know what those words mean, and most of the American people are so stupid they don’t even know what private property means. Thanks to the education process that we have in this country, we’re not very bright people, but with a little bit of recognition of these terms and what they mean, you can begin to protect your property. One of the ways we’ve developed using the Security Agreement and having it properly in place and filed to assign any debt created by government. Now, pay attention to what I just said. Any debt created by government and imposed upon you. Not your desire to go out and buy a new car, not your child support, not your alimony payments. You created those problems in life, you caused those kinds of things, you spend too much money of what you’ve got coming in. You caused those kinds of problems, but when government causes you an expense, government must reimburse you for that expense and that’s what they set that account up to do. If you get a tax bill, or even a hospital bill because that’s part of government, you get an interest charge on any kind of bank accounts or anything, mortgage accounts or anything like that, they can all be paid by assigning those debts back to that Treasury Account that has your name and your Social Social Number on it and we’ve done this with a little document that we call A Partial Assignment of the Account. It assigns just enough out of that account to pay the exact debt that they claim that you owe that they’ve imposed upon you. That’s one way of using the Security Agreement.
The most important way of using the Security Agreement seems to be the least used by people in America because we are a bunch of wusses, we have no guts whatsoever and we’re afraid we might lose something, so we don’t bother to do anything that we should be doing. All these registrations that I’ve told you are a fraud, they are a stealing and taking of your private property can be terminated. The reason they can be terminated is simply within the government’s own laws of commerce, they have taken the property without just compensation. They haven’t paid you for the property. We have a document that we call the Affidavit of Commercial Notice. With this Affidavit it, on the second page, specifically describes one type of property. So every one of them has to be done differently, you can’t use the same one for everything. You have to terminate the registration of, for instance, a land deed registration at the place where you registered it, at the County Recorder of Deeds office in the County where your land is located near. The document describes the property and gives them two alternatives. One is to pay you the just compensation for the property. The other is, if they don’t wish to pay you for the property, at which time of course you would let them continue to keep it and tax you because then you could turn the tax back over to them to pay and you could live completely free and you wouldn’t even have a mortgage anymore. The government now owns it. The government would take over all responsibility, the government would assume all responsibilities for all maintenance and upkeep of that property because it would be theirs entirely and you could just live there free, if they’d pay you the just compensation. Well, you know darn well, these people steal, they don’t pay for anything and they’re not going pay. So the document says, in the alternative if you’re not going to pay me my just compensation, then the registration in your records is hereby terminated. Now, they’ll tell you, you can’t do this, they’ll tell you that the only way they will take the registration out of their records is if you’ll get a Judge to Order it. Comments like that will be made. In some cases we have had things actually removed from the record. Automobile registrations is one that in some areas of the country we’ve had them removed. A few land deed registrations have been removed in a couple of counties, but in most of the places around the country, these lawyers that control these kinds of things, just tell them ignore it, and they have to because a whole lot of the money that is in circulation in this country today is secured by your property that they’re holding in those registrations, that was the security that was put up to the Federal Reserve Bank to print and circulate Federal Reserve paper. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be circulated. They wouldn’t lend the money. Banks don’t lend money without security of some kind. The government had nothing. They’ve never had anything. They started with nothing. They still to this day have nothing, except yours and my property that we’ve been so kind and stupid as to give them through these registrations, and they have put it up as collateral. Well, now, if they lose that collateral, they have to pay back whatever was borrowed against it. So do you think they are going to go along with this real easy and quickly, not likely. They’re going to fight with you and argue that you can’t do this. Yeah, you can’t do that to them because it will hurt them. You can do this for your own benefit, but they’re not interested in your benefit. They’re only interested in themselves and they’re own benefit. I don’t know if you’ve noticed lately, but even the news media is telling you that government is only doing things for government’s benefit. They’re not paying attention to the American people
and the need of the American people, and when I say needs, I’m talking about the needs of general commerce, freedom to go about life and do the things that you need and want in life, that’s your needs. Now, your wants are a completely different thing. You want a colored television, you don’t need one. That’s not a need. That’s a pleasant little goody, I guess we could call it, but if you can afford it, then go ahead and buy one, but you don’t need it. But the needs, the right to move about freely, the right to go out and find work and a job without having to pay a fee back to the government for the pleasure of having that job. They’re not providing your needs when they do those kinds of things, they’re extorting from you. This whole government has gone far awry from what the Founding Fathers’ intentions were, and you just heard Dave tonight reading something about what a scam this whole stupid thing that government is pulling about the Second Amendment and blaming the Second Amendment for allowing murders to occur. Let me tell you something, we need more murders. We need a big cleaning up in this country. We need killing upon killing upon killing. The only problem we have in this country that will prevent that is we’ve got too many stupid religious people that believe you shouldn’t do those kinds of things. Criminals that steal should be eliminated, but religion doesn’t teach that. I’m teaching it and I hope you’re learning and I hope you realize that what you saw going on this week on the news in London is coming here. It will be happening and some of the problems that occurred over there that led to this are happening right now in your neighborhood, and your neighbors aren’t doing anything about it. They are all good religious people. They don’t want to hurt anybody. God won’t like them if you kill anybody. I think they’ve got the wrong idea. I’ve said many times, if you people want to be Christians, I pick on them the most because more people are Christians than they are Jewish or Islam or Buddist around this country, if you want to claim to be Christian, you’ve got to really believe the whole story. You can’t just believe that Jesus died on the cross for your sins and all that other religious reteric that churches give you, you gotta also believe the rest of the story. They hung two thieves, one on each side of Jesus, so when are we going to start hanging thieves? Thank you, your story is leaving part of the truth out. Anyway, the most nonviolent way to get into this is to do it with these documents starting with the Security Agreement using the Affidavit of Commercial Notice to terminate the registrations, and when they won’t give it back to you, then what we’ve found is, what we’ve been discussing for months is the suit for breech of trust and breech of fiduciary duty because they are being dishonest. They are imposing a tax upon private property without paying just compensation, but the public government is benefiting from it. That is dishonesty. If they won’t return the property and cancel the registration, then you may have to proceed to sue them for breech of their fiduciary duty. We need people with enough gumption in this country to stand up and do these kinds of things. We need to go after these criminals, what is it 535 of ‘em, I think it is in Congress. Every one of them should be sued for breech of their fiduciary duty for things like just the Obama Health Care Package is enough to sue them for. That was as dishonest as it could possibly be. They’re allowing the doctors to determine that you are too old and useless to keep in society, so they’re going to just order your death. That’s part of the Health Care Bill. They’re going to force everybody in the country to pay a fee and join the healthcare ranks and have a healthcare ID card. This is how they got around the fact that they couldn’t force people to have a Federal National ID card over the last two presidencies. Bush Jr. tried it and couldn’t get it done. Clinton tried it and couldn’t get it done. They couldn’t get this National ID card idea to take effect, so they did it through the Healthcare. This healthcare thing is going to require you, because somebody could steal your identity and use your name and go to the hospital and get healthcare under the insurance. So in order to prove at the hospital that you are who you are, you’re going to have to have a Health card ID with your picture on it and all your information. So they’ve got their National ID in place. It hasn’t taken effect yet and it’s not scheduled to until, what is it, 2014, I think that it’s scheduled to go into full force and effect. They will try their best to implement that.
Personally, I think there’s going to be a financial failure before 2014. I think it will happen somewhere in 2012 and I don’t think they’ll ever get around to this but I’m just trying to point out to you how corrupt this whole stupid thing is and having a social security number and party to the social security concept and having land deed registrations and having birth certificate registrations is what has tied you into all this commercial bull crap of the government’s and it should be terminated and only you can terminate it. If you don’t want to be a party to this scam and under the pressure of their taxing authority and their regulatory authority regulating your conduct in life and your private property then you’ve got to terminate the registrations of all this stuff, your labor registrations through social security, your things like birth certificate registration, land deed registration, automobile registration, small business registrations. Most small businesses are not actually in commerce. They didn’t need a damned license from government to start with. You can operate certain businesses without being involved in commerce. All these types of license registrations and things should be terminated. That’s what the security agreement is actually for, terminating those kinds of things and sending the debt back to the government and that’s about all, the actual use that I can find for it. Now, I don’t know what other people are promoting out here but we researched how all this law works including the parts of the commercial code that allow for assignments, assigning the debt back to the government to be paid as compensation to you for the taking of your private property. It’s all done by assignment. It is not done by some of these silly things that you’ve been hearing about for years of promissory notes and bills of exchange, accepted for value, a bank function—it had nothing to do with commerce—and all this foolishness that has been circulated around by a bunch of clowns that never bothered to look very far in the law to find out what they were talking about. None of that stuff fits what the law says you can do. No wonder people were getting in trouble for doing those kinds of things. They’re still people in jail and I know people that have been to jail and they’re back out again already for being involved in some of those activities. But the law does provide for this assignment and we’ve been doing them since early 2000 and nobody that I know has gotten back in touch and told us that law enforcement has even stepped in and bothered them at all about these assignments. Yet law enforcement has put a lot of people away for bills of exchanges and promissory notes and a couple other different silly things, accepted for value, that’s fallen flat on its face, thank heavens. Most people are beginning to realize that that wasn’t the right way and getting away from that concept. These bonds that people are telling you to write, write silver bonds and write bonds and pay off your debts with bonds, that is not the way it’s done. As a matter of fact, go look in the dictionary at the definition of a bond. It says a bond is guarantee to pay. Why in the hell would you write a bond to pay a debt and guarantee to pay it? It just shows them how stupid you people are that you’ll do something like that. And once you’ve done it you made a contract with them agreeing to pay it. They can come and collect in any way they want to. They can take your home, confiscate a good part of the money out of your pay check. Now once registrations are terminated that does not mean that they’ll take everything off of the computer and you still may be harassed by these government idiots. That’s when it’s time to go after them, that particular government idiot for breach of his fiduciary trust duty. It doesn’t take much to learn how to do that either. We’re simplifying it by our studies over the months and months that we’ve been at this and bringing it down to the simplicity of all you have to do is show their dishonesty because really that’s all it’s about, any dishonest act of any kind. It can come out of their own criminal code. It says that they can’t do these things and you see that they’re doing them. That’s good enough. You don’t even have to bring up the Constitution. If you understand the Constitution and understand how what they’re doing goes against the mandates of the Constitution such as the taking of private property without just compensation for their own public benefit and use then that’s dishonest. Any form of dishonesty at all, it’s breach of the public trust and the government is a public trust. The courts have said so over and over and over again. So, we’re on the right track. We just got to get it through to people’s heads and find enough people with enough guts to go in there and bring these cases and perhaps we can avoid some of the violence. Perhaps some of these thieves will go away and stop stealing. But if not, it’s going to come to the elimination of the thieves as is going on right now in England. Do you know how many cops were killed over in England, in London this week and how many cops were hospitalized? And those people over there… As a matter of fact, one of the other things that Dave was reading tonight was these predictions that this guy was making from Nostradomus’ predictions and it said in there that they will be stoned. What do you think these people in England are doing this to these cops? They’re killing them with stones and boards. They’re beating the hell out of them. They don’t have any guns over there. They’re not allowed to have guns. The people don’t have any way to stand up against the government except sticks and stones. They’re beating those people to death with sticks and stones. Nostradomus’ prediction is sort of coming true, isn’t it? And I’ve said this before. I don’t care how many guns the military has, I don’t care how well trained the military is, I don’t care how many guns the cops think they got or how well trained they think they are, one cop against 10,000 people is a losing situation and that’s the way it was over there. They’re too many angry people over there and too few cops and the cops are being beaten. Well, the same thing is going to happen in this country. So, if you happen to be a cop and listening to me you better think of another way of making a living. Get the hell out of that job because you’re going to be in a very dangerous situation or when you see this coming just go home and don’t be a party to it. Call in sick. Do something to avoid being there.
Think potassium
Think oxalic acid—avoid blockers – avoid Electromagnetic fields and intense flowing magnetic areas. Get those smartass electric power meters off your premises (like Maine). (www.stopmartmetersnow.com Get the toxins out of your body!! (Book: Detoxify or Die, etc.)
Griswold Conference Call—Thursday, August 11, 2011
Howard Griswold Conference calls:
Thursday’s at 8 p.m., Eastern Time.
‘6’ Mutes and un-mutes
All correspondence to:
Gemini Investment Research Group, POB 398, Delmar, Del. 19940
(do not address mail to ‘Howard Griswold’ since Howard has not taken up residence in that mailbox and since he’s on good terms with his wife he isn’t likely to in the foreseeable future.)
Popular Forms |
Subject: Our Birth Certificates Have Been Monetized...Ed Mc Cabe: On Slavery...
From: John Hammell jham@iahf.com
Date: Fri, 28 Apr 2000 09:32:30 -0400
IAHF LIST: Ed Mc Cabe became an enemy of the state and was railroaded into Federal Prison for informing people about the benefits of bioxidative therapies and for helping physicians who used ozone as an expert witness in the courtroom. He is currently out on probabation. In the article [below my comments] (written before he was railroaded into prison) Mc Cabe clearly illustrates exactly how we got turned into commodities. Did you know that your birth certificate has been monetized, and is being held by the World Bank as collateral against the National Debt?
Everything in Ed's article is true, and it explains fully what we're up against as we fight this Codex Battle for Health Freedom. The most powerful form of control is COVERT CONTROL so that the people being controlled, don't even REALIZE IT! This article exposes the TRUTH! I'm not sure what to do in the face of it besides to keep monitoring and EXPOSING them in the hope that we'll discover some new avenue of attack down the road since Congress hasn't given us an oversight hearing. We are slaves, that much is clear, but we all must SEE THIS CLEARLY before we can ESCAPE! A lot of you wrote with various legal ideas, and one of you guided me to the website below where I found this article. Thanks! Another of you guided me to a guy who is currently working with Ed, who I need to touch base with. Thanks!
A couple of other people say that Ed and the guy currently helping him are off base and say we need to check out what a guy named David Winn Miller is saying and one person on this list is going to a workshop that he's giving next weekend in Bellingham, Washington.
In the meantime, some of you have suggested that I hire Emord or various other lawyers. With what MONEY? And could they solve our problem in any case? The information below may shock you, but its true, unfortunately. Our Birth certificates have been monetized... but theres got to be solutions and together we will find them!
http://www.supremelaw.com/sls/email/box055/msg05526.htm" TARGET="">>http://www.supremelaw.com/sls/email/box055/msg05526.htm
Date: Sun, 14 Dec 1997 13:34:42 -0700
From: Paul Andrew Mitchell
Subject: SLS: "How You Became a Commodity," by Ed McCabe
[Posted recently in the Supreme Law Forum.]
Posted by E. McCabe on November 29, 1997 at 12:40:57:
How You Became A Commodity
The Creation Of Constructive Trusts
And the Solution
Copyright 1997 By Ed McCabe
With many thanks to Howard Griswold
The 14th Amendment to the Constitution created a secondary class of citizens so the slaves could become federal citizens and be "freed." The only problem today, is that most people have been duped into giving up their Sovereignty to become second class federal citizens.
In America we are born American Nationals, and do not become federal citizens unless we legally are duped into swearing allegiance to the federal state. Trouble is, nobody tells us this, because New World Order society planners want to enslave us to the federal debt we did not create, and make us pay and pay because they maneuvered the United States into bankruptcy in the 1930's. We have been sold into economic slavery. Not just "we," but specifically your own personal body has been sold without anyone telling you.
There are many definitions of The United States. The law says the US "includes,"- "includes" means "is only."
Title 28 Section 1332(d)"United States"(d) The word "States", as used in this section, includes the Territories, the District of Columbia, and the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.
It does not mention the sovereign state republics, because they are not included.
According to Gardina v. Board of Registrars of Jefferson County - Supreme court of Alabama Feb 2, 1909: "There are two classes of citizens under our form of government,citizens of the United States and of the state; and one may be a citizen of the former without being a citizen of the latter."
Marion v. New York. New York is foreign to the United States, and 28 USC 1603(a) "foreign state" is a political subdivision of a foreign state, which is a separate legal person which is neither a citizen of a State of the United states.
Elk v. Wilkins 112 US 94 Indians born within the territorial limits of the United States, members of, and owing immediate allegiance to, one of the Indian Tribes (an alien, though dependent power), although in a geographical sense born in the United States, are no more "born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof," within the meaning of the first section of the Fourteenth Amendment, than the children of subjects of any foreign government born within the domain of that government or the children born within the United States, of ambassadors or other public ministers of foreign nations.
Most don't know it, but most Americans probably have no income or commerce connected with the corporate United States body politic and its zones and territories, i.e District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands or any of the States of the Union or political subdivisions, thereof, all their earnings from their labor are received from outside these areas, not from within said areas which are foreign to them and they have never been engaged in any revenue taxable activity involving alcohol, tobacco, or firearms, so without a Birth Registration certificate or Social Security Number, they are not legally subject to the jurisdiction of the United States corporate body politic.
But no one will tell you this, or let you know you were born free, because you won't pay taxes or die in contrived wars. It will upset the International Bankers who are siphoning off our economic base. They want you to believe you "have to" be their slave. This is accomplished through societal conditioning, and legally, through the constructive fraud of un rebutted presumptions and withholding all the facts from you.
The Feds have gotten everyone with a birth certificate and a social security number to become subservient to them. During our signing up for an adhesion-to-the-federal-body-politic birth certificate and social security number, we didn't know it, but the Feds used these applications to create two implied (unwritten, called "constructive") trusts in which we were duped into giving the Feds a "security interest" of ownership in our bodies. They trade these security interests (a monetized copy of your birth certificate, and a monetized copy of your social security application) in international commerce as if they were money. Presto! Your body is now the collateral on the national debt. And you didn't know about it or knowingly agree to it.
76 American Jurisprudence 2d "TRUSTS" section 210: "Promise, agreement or contract - Generally speaking a constructive (implied, unwritten) trust does not require any agreement between the parties - either actual, or express (in writing), or implied - to create the trust, Rather, a constructive trust generally stems from the equitable powers of the court."
Once we legally give them this power, they skim off the cream, and keep the value of the trust (as a piece of paper commercially tradeable security interest) and then give us back possession of our bodies and make us responsible for the upkeep of the trust property, again, trust property means our bodies. It's a perfect master/slave relationship for the Feds, they get the value we freely give away, but they have no worries since we, as mere possessors, are the ones now legally bound to have to do all the maintenance on ourselves and our property and to follow the trust rules and be "law abiding."
Since we obviously proved ourselves insane by the act of giving away control of our lives to someone else, the courts have ruled that by the performance of this insane act we are obviously incompetent, and therefore, they need to appoint a Guardian over us, and who better to be the Guardian than the trustee we gave the power to, the Feds. The courts use the federal and state statutes as the daily enforcement/maintenance rules for the upkeep of the trust property, our contracted into slavery bodies. This scam is all Constitutional under our exercising our Right to Contract. Here is the statute, or trust rule, where we let them legally turn us all into "Federal Personnel," subject to federal jurisdiction by the act of getting a Social Security number.
UNITED STATES CODE TITLE 5 - GOVERNMENT ORGANIZATION AND EMPLOYEES i. PART I - THE AGENCIES GENERALLY (1) CHAPTER 5 - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE (a) SUBCHAPTER II - ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE 552a. Records maintained on individuals (a) Definitions. - For purposes of this section -(12) the term "Federal benefit program" means any program administered or funded by the Federal Government, or by any agent or State on behalf of the Federal Government, providing cash or in-kind assistance in the form of payments, grants, loans, or loan guarantees to individuals; and (13) the term "Federal personnel" means officers and employees of the Government of the United States, members of the uniformed services (including members of the Reserve Components), individuals entitled to receive immediate or deferred retirement benefits under any retirement program of the Government of the United States (including survivor benefits).
Social Security is a Federal benefit program. You, as federal personnel, don't have any freedom in healthcare or in any other area because you appoint them your master to take care of you. But their version of "taking care" of us is to burn babies, raid clinics, imprison doctors, therapists and educators, tax us un mercilessly, and outlaw real cures for disease. This fictitious statutory federal citizenship status, and your body's secret existence as mere collateral for a security interest traded as an article of international commerce is legally signified whenever your name is spelled in ALL CAPITALS on financial and legal documents. Check your mail.
This appointment of being our masters that we were tricked into giving them has now, through their un rebutted tort feaser fraud, grown to become their almost complete dictatorial control power over our bodies, our finances, our minds, or our children, and how we use them. This power over us is, or is about to become, SLAVERY. We are squarely to blame. Through our Right to Contract power of appointment. Yes, we did appoint them trustees over our bodies, but only because they withheld all the facts from us. This is contract fraud. They did not tell us when we signed up, that these secret trusts were created, and that the creation of these unwritten constructive trusts would give them this complete statutory control over us. They couldn't. They know perfectly well that we aren't really insane, and that we would never agree to such a contract if we openly knew about it.
Would anyone in their right mind give someone the power to burn their children alive? That's what just happened in Waco, Texas. They don't tell us this is why they can, for example, take your children away from you or deny you life restoring oxygen/ozone and other therapies, or deny you really meaningful health care, and enslave you into being responsible for an artificially created and fraudulent national debt, or make you give up a third of the fruits of your labor to the federal trustee as payment for managing your trust- in the form of "taxes" - which all only go overseas to fatten the coffers of the foreign multinational IMF bankers. See Title 22 U.S. Codes Section 286 for proof of the International Monetary Fund having their hand in our cookie jar.
They CONCEAL from us that WE OURSELVES, by using our own God given right to contract, in this case for a birth certificate and social security number, gave away our rights by using our "POWER OF APPOINTMENT, " to unknowingly make them trustees over our lives. However, we the individual people also, AS THE ORIGINAL TRUST CREATORS, HAVE THE POWER AND RIGHT TO LEGALLY AND PEACEFULLY UN APPOINT, or "RELEASE," and "TERMINATE" THIS ADHESION TRUST RELATIONSHIP with them. No longer can they fine and jail us, and break up our families, and send our children off to die in their wars. The truth of this is right in front of us in the statutes, but the evil tort feasers in government have hidden the statutory PROCEDURAL PATH to the RELEASE AND TERMINATION OF ALL TRUSTEE POWER OVER US deep in some corner of every state and federal lawbook. The statutory release path is unbelievably, and fraudulently, found under different titles such as, "Act for the Simplification of Fiduciary Security Transfers," or under plumbing codes (The power of appointment flows through the trust as in a "pipe"), or elsewhere, to deliberately make the release-termination path almost impossible to find. Who actually reads ALL the laws? They know very few do, and count on you not doing it so you never know you can rebut their presentments.
Many have tried to "revoke" or "rescind" (wrong words) this adhesion contract, using the wrong procedure or words, only to have the courts shoot them down. They are indeed entitled to the relief they seek, but since they used the wrong procedures and wording the court could not "hear" what they were saying. The proper procedural application of this heretofore secret knowledge in the courts returns us and the doctors and ministers and teachers and mothers and fathers and everyone else to a state of freedom of choice in our lives, with no big brother forcing poisons into our food and healthcare, no reaching into our pockets, and no stuffing toxins into our minds at school. But the fraud perpetrators don't make it easy to get out of their trap because they need it to exist."
This writing is my original creation, and I make my living writing about alternative medicine and law, so selling this information is expressly forbidden! Presented as a public service.
Non commercial reproduction only is encouraged
Thank You. Enjoy your freedom if you will work for it.
by Ed McCabe,
Author of the Best Selling Book "Oxygen Therapies"
Diseases can't live in oxygen (See http://www.oxytherapies.com/)
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The Ojibwe are an Algonkian-speaking tribe and constitute the largest Indian group north of Mexico. The Ojibwe stretch from present-day Ontario in eastern Canada all the way into Montana. Oral traditions of the Ojibwe, Ottawa, and Potawatomi assert that at one time all three tribes were one people who lived at the Straits of Mackinac. From there, they split off into three different groups. Linguistic, archeological, and historical evidence suggests that the three tribes do indeed descend from a common ethnic origin. The three languages are almost identical. The Ojibwe call themselves "Anishinaabeg," which means the "True People" or the "Original People." Other Indians and Europeans called them "Ojibwe" or "Chippewa," which meant "puckered up," probably because the Ojibwe traditionally wore moccasins with a puckered seam across the top. The Ojibwe are believed to have made contact with Europeans in 1615 when the French explorer Samuel de Champlain arrived at Lake Huron, where some Ojibwe lived. In 1622, one of Champlain's men, Etienne Brule, explored Lake Superior and made contact with Ojibwe groups farther to the west. Many Ojibwe lived near the rapids of the St. Mary's River, and the French began to refer to the Ojibwe there as "Saulteaux," derived from the French word sault, or rapids. In 1641, French Jesuits first visited the area of Sault Ste. Marie (as they called the rapids of the St. Mary's River), and by 1667 had established a Christian mission there. Like other Indian groups, the Ojibwe were forced westward beginning in the 1640s when the League of the Iroquois began to attack other tribes in the Great Lakes region to monopolize the fur trade. The Ojibwe did not suffer as much as other tribes, however, and by the 1690s they had won some impressive victories against the Iroquois. Because of this the League of the Iroquois sued for peace with the French and their Indian allies in 1701. Like other Indian tribes, the Ojibwe allied themselves to the French militarily and economically. They traded with the French who entered the Great Lakes in the 1660s, and their desire to obtain European trade goods drove the Ojibwe to expand westward into Lake Superior to find richer fur-bearing lands. Soon, they came into contact with the Eastern, or Santee Dakota (commonly known as the Sioux). During the 1730s, the Ojibwe and Dakota began to fight over the region around the western point of Lake Superior and the headwaters of the Mississippi River in Minnesota and this war lasted until the 1850's. The Ojibwe were generally successful, and they managed to push the Dakota farther west into Minnesota and North and South Dakota. The main Ojibwe settlement in Wisconsin at this time was on Madeline Island in Chequamegon Bay, Lake Superior. In 1745, the Ojibwe of Lake Superior began to move inland into Wisconsin, with their first permanent village at Lac Courte Oreilles at the headwaters of the Chippewa River. Later, the Ojibwe expanded into other parts of northern Wisconsin, particularly Lac du Flambeau. The name of this village in French means "Lake of the Flames" because the Ojibwe speared fish at night using torches attached to the end of their birchbark canoes. The Ojibwe sided with the French during the wars that France and Britain fought between 1689 and 1763. The Ojibwe were particularly active during the final conflict, the French and Indian War or Seven Years' War from 1754 to 1763. When France lost Canada and the Midwest to the British between 1761 and 1763, the Ojibwe did not trust their new colonial overlords. Unlike the French, the British treated the Indians with contempt and disdain, causing an Ottawa chief at Detroit named Pontiac to lead a pan-Indian rebellion against the British in 1763. The Ojibwe at the Straits of Mackinac participated along with some Sauk by massacring the entire British army garrison there. However, the Ojibwe of northern Wisconsin and the southern shore of Lake Superior did not join the uprising; Jean Baptiste Cadotte--a trader of French-Canadian and Ojibwe descent--urged them not to fight the British. Their participation would probably not have done much good anyway, since the British suppressed the revolt by 1765. Afterward, the British took a more conciliatory approach to the Indians and established better relations with the tribes. Like most Midwestern Indian groups, the Ojibwe became staunch allies of the British afterward. |
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The fur trade prospered in the Lake Superior region during Britain's tenure of control. The United States gained all lands south of the Great Lakes after the American Revolution ended in 1783 with the Treaty of Paris. However, British fur trading companies in Canada, particularly the mighty North West Company, continued to operated trading posts in the Ojibwe lands of northern Wisconsin and Minnesota until 1815. The United States became concerned with the growing British influence in the region. An 1805-1806 expedition led by American army officer Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike attempted to undermine British influence and end the Ojibwe-Dakota wars, but it had little effect. British and French-Canadian traders continued to operate in the Lake Superior country, and the Ojibwe-Dakota war continued. Like other Indians in the Midwest, the Ojibwe sided with the British because they believed that the United States would take their lands. Many Ojibwe became adherents of Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet (or Tenskwatawa), Shawnee brothers in Ohio who preached a doctrine of resisting American expansion. Tecumseh and the Shawnee Prophet formed a pan-Indian confederacy that fought alongside the British during the War of 1812. Many Ojibwe from the region around Detroit fought against the U.S., but Ojibwe bands in northern Wisconsin generally stayed out of the fighting despite being pro-British. After the war ended in 1814, the Ojibwe of northern Wisconsin continued to distrust the Americans and often traded with British traders across the border in Canada. They also continued to harbor a hatred for the Dakota, and the war between the two tribes intensified in the early 1800s. The United States tried twice to make peace treaties between the Ojibwe and Dakota. The first was at Prairie du Chien in 1825, and a second treaty was held at Fond du Lac, Minnesota in 1826. Neither resulted in a lasting peace. Once the lands that separated the Ojibwe and the Dakota were purchased and settled by the Americans, warfare between the two tribes ceased. |
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The federal government made two major land cession treaties with the Wisconsin Ojibwe. The first was in 1837, when the Ojibwe sold most of their land in north-central Wisconsin and eastern Minnesota. The next was finalized in 1842 and the Ojibwe ceded their remaining lands in Wisconsin and Michigan's upper peninsula. Soon, American lumberjacks fell upon the rich pine stands, and miners began to exploit the copper mines along the southern shore of Lake Superior. The United States hoped to remove the Ojibwe from northern Wisconsin in the 1840s, but the Indians did not want to leave their homes. Many Ojibwe chiefs went to Washington in 1849 and begged President Zachary Taylor to allow them to stay. They asserted they had signed the 1842 treaty thinking they could stay on their ceded lands. Taylor refused to listen to them. After Millard Fillmore became president on Taylor's death in 1850, another Ojibwe delegation visited Washington in 1852. Fillmore was more amenable to the Ojibwe chiefs, and he agreed to hold another treaty with them in 1854. By this treaty, the Ojibwe ceded the last of their land in Minnesota to the United States, and in return received reservations of land. The 1854 treaty created four of the modern-day Ojibwe reservations in Wisconsin: Bad River, Red Cliff, Lac du Flambeau, and Lac Courte Oreilles. |
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Once the reservations were created, the Ojibwe were unable to sustain themselves by hunting and gathering and many Ojibwe men worked as lumberjacks for White-owned companies. While lumbering brought some economic benefits to the Wisconsin Ojibwe, it also bought continued land loss. Congress passed the Dawes Act in 1887, designed to help Indians live more like Whites by dividing up reservation lands so they could all own individual farms. The land in northern Wisconsin was not good for farming, and many Ojibwe sold their land to lumber companies to supplement their wages. On some reservations, over 90% of the land passed into White hands. Things began to improve for the Wisconsin Ojibwe in the twentieth century. Under the administration of President Franklin D. Roosevelt, Ojibwe communities along the St. Croix River in northwestern Wisconsin and those at Mole Lake in northeastern Wisconsin--which had not received reservations in the 1854 treaty--received reservation lands. The St. Croix Ojibwe received 1750 acres in 1938, and the Mole Lake band received 1680 acres in 1937. |
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The Wisconsin Ojibwes' greatest victory in reclaiming their treaty-reserved rights came in 1983. When the Ojibwe signed the 1837 and 1842 treaties, they reserved the right to hunt and fish on the lands they had ceded to the United States. For many years, the state of Wiscosnin convicted Ojibwes who fished and hunted off their reservations without licenses. In January 1983, the federal district court in Chicago affirmed that the two treaties guaranteed Wisconsin Ojibwes' right to hunt and fish on the land they ceded to the United States. Despite their victory, things did not go smoothly when the Ojibwe tried to assert their rights. Ojibwe fishermen were harassed at boat landings throughout northern Wisconsin and often had to withstand racial slurs and physical assaults by non-Indians. The state of Wisconsin attempted unsuccessfully to fight the federal court's decision. It even offered the Wisconsin Ojibwe millions of dollars if they would relinquish their treaty rights, but they refused to enter into any such agreement. During the 1990s, violence at boat landings has died down somewhat. The Wisconsin Ojibwe have helped ease tensions by stocking walleye in the lakes where they spearfish. Indeed, the Ojibwe put more fish into the lakes than they take out, and the number of fish they spear is very small compared to the number non-Indian sport fishermen take out every year. |
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the injurious calumny of cherishing designs unfriendly to the political and civil rights of the ... We
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